AutoSPRINK is high-performance and feature focused – but it can’t save a bad design.
Nearly every American knows that Cadillac means luxury. Full of features, high quality materials, and innovative designs, for over 50 years, Cadillac was the best of the best in the auto industry. And in the sprinkler world, if you want luxury and features, you go straight to AutoSPRINK. It’s full of features that a great designer can use to make their designs even better. At Elite Fire, part of our commitment to quality is using the best tools we can.
AutoSPRINK pros:
- 3D fire sprinkler design software
- easy to rotate, easy to visualize
- has a manufacturer database of parts that are true to size (reduces sizing errors)
- makes it easy to see if pipes and fittings are incorrect
- easily add isometric drawings for your fitters to show 3D rendering of intricate areas
- speeds up design time
The best part of AutoSPRINK is the 3D design. You can rotate the drawings and see them from every angle. In fire sprinkler design, vertical pipe is the most difficult to get right. The 3D capabilities allow you to make accurate vertical design.
AutoSPRINK cons:
A great car is awesome. A great car doesn’t make a great driver. But like you wouldn’t let your toddler drive a Cadillac, AutoSPRINK can’t create the design for you.
The technology of AutoSPRINK is amazing, but a lot of companies are hurt by relying too much on the technology and not double checking the math. Often the longest part of the process is setting up the drawing, ensuring your elevations are correct. It all starts with the elevation of the steel. You need to understand the elevation of the building. If you don’t understand joist bearing your elevation won’t be correct, which effects all your hanger lengths, so they must cut them in the field, adding time and cost. The biggest errors come from the hangers. Seems like the smallest issue, but no pipe can go in the air without correct hangars. If you can’t read a structural plan that’s an issue that AutoSPRINK can’t fix.
Conclusion: AutoSPRINK gives designers the top of the line tools to create top of the line designs. Put into the hands of the right designer, you’ll get a quality layout. Streamlined, efficient, and high performing. That’s what it takes to get an elite design.